What I do.

+ Automotive UI Design

+ Advanced UX Design

+ Project Management

+ Creative Concept

+ Ideation

+ Prototyping

+ User Journey & Storytelling

UX / UI Automotive Designer

I am a passionate UX/UI Designer with strong interest in technology. With my experience I create cutting Edge visuals and solve complex design issues.

In the range of my professional experience I worked for various German, Asian and European OEMs. I cover all Steps from ideation to execution, worked on Showcars, Concept Cars and Serial production. Since 2016 I work for the Audi AG on several GUI concepts and serial Cars.

Speaking German and English enables me to work with international Teams and manage Projects without issues.

Being Part of the automotive industry and shaping the future of automotive interfaces is one of my greatest passions.

Bachelor Thesis and work during my studies please, visit website.

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